Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Can anyone find the exit?


Brexit showcases everything that is wrong with democracy. At first glance an outdated sentence, but this week we have learned more about our decision to leave the EU than ever before.

A Supreme Court hearing uncovered the sheer scale of uncertaint­y shrouding Theresa May’s government.

While a simple in/out question may appear to be the purest form of direct governance, it was never going to be that straightfo­rward.

Did people know what they were voting for? The answer can only be no, because absolutely no one knew what ‘Brexit’ would look like.

Of course, some people stood in the booths knowing they were taking a leap of faith, but even they thought they knew what was meant by leaving Europe. It turns out they didn’t. No one did.

Now we’re being promised a ‘red, white and blue Brexit’, a plan for our exit published before Article 50 is triggered – terms that even two months ago would have made little sense.

What does any of this mean? The irony is that it means a damn sight more than it did in June.

Is it right that six months after the biggest political decision of a generation we are only starting to hear the first details of what an independen­t Britain might look like?

In an age where there’s an inquiry into the outcome of every inquiry and every major decision is met with a fresh inquiry, is it any wonder that the electorate is a tad miffed by a lack of transparen­cy.

How many shock decisions do we have to experience before the powers that be realise that either withholdin­g informatio­n or not having that informatio­n is no longer a credible political strategy?

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