Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Charity’s appeal to keep homeless safe this winter

‘Porchlight wants to be there for everyone … but can’t do it without public support’


More people could be homeless on the streets of Canterbury this Christmas than anywhere else in Kent.

That is the grim assessment of the charity Porchlight, which says its latest findings reveal there are at least 73 rough sleepers in the city, 10 more than last year.

That compares with 67 recorded in Thanet, 64 in Shepway and 61 in Maidstone.

Their desperatio­n has been highlighte­d by Porchlight, which has launched a Christmas appeal for extra funding to support victims at a critical time of year.

“We’re doing everything we can to help people but need the public’s support to fund our services,” said the Canterbury-based charity’s chief executive, Mike Barrett.

“Being on the streets can be deadly in the winter months. A donation, no matter what amount, can provide a lifeline for someone this Christmas.”

Porchlight says welfare cuts and the rising cost of rents have contribute­d to a sharp increase in homelessne­ss across the county.

There are now 462 in Kent, compared with 334 last year, and even more are feared to be hidden from view.

Porchlight has an outreach team which regular talks with rough sleepers on the city’s streets to try to help and gauge the scale of the problem.

The charity’s helpline receives 16 calls about homeless people in Kent every day. In the last month, 495 people called to say they are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or have seen someone sleeping rough.

Mr Barrett says there are lots of reasons why people find themselves homeless. Many have been abused, are ill, have lost their homes, jobs, and even their families, he says.

Porchlight helps them access safe housing, get essential medical care and receive practical and emotional support.

Mr Barrett added: “There’s no such thing as a quick fix and it can often take more than a year before they feel ready to move on and begin living independen­tly.

“Porchlight wants to be there for everyone for as long as it’s needed, but can’t do it without public support.”

To make a donation visit www.

 ??  ?? Rough sleeping is on the rise in Canterbury
Rough sleeping is on the rise in Canterbury

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