Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Elderly people should consider ourselves lucky


A few weeks ago I was one who believed the elderly and infirm would be largely ignored regarding the coronaviru­s outbreak and our demise could ultimately solve our NHS and Social Care problems.

I am part of to this ‘elderly with life- limiting illness’ group. However, we have been made a relatively safe group now, thanks to all the NHS staff, our families and many kind people out there. They are taking risks with their own health on our behalf. Thank you all.

My generation enjoyed life in the 1960s, widely thought to be the best decade to have been youthful in.

We had so many good years and now have so many memories to call on whilst in isolation. Many younger people don’t have the privilege of so many memories as they sit isolated at home. Many will have young children to worry about now home from school, the strain of feeding them, rents, mortgages, arguments and employment to add to their concerns. We probably don’t. We should consider ourselves a lucky group and appreciate it.

I am well aware of which ward I would be put in should I become ill with the virus and it’s certainly not one that would produce a good outcome I feel. Neverthele­ss I am very humbled by the efforts being made to protect us and the generosity of those in authority towards us. I have completely revised my beliefs of a few weeks ago. You are all going to a lot of trouble for us. Thanks to you all. You are appreciate­d.

Janice Wood

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