Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District



A veganism boom in recent years has seen the number of Brits on a plant-based diet soar to an estimated 700,000.

If you’re thinking of making the switch, here are some useful tips from The Vegan Society.....

Take it slow

Keep your end goal in mind, but go at your own pace. Some people manage to go vegan overnight and if that’s the right approach for you, fantastic. But don’t be concerned if you feel you need more time. Like any other lifestyle change, going vegan not only takes getting used to, but it takes time to determine what will work best for you. It’s not a one size fits all experience and there are numerous approaches you can take.

Making small changes to your everyday meals is one of the easiest ways to increase the amount of plantbased foods in your diet. You could start by removing meat or dairy one day a week and go from there. Or you could try changing one meal at a time, having vegan breakfasts during your first week, adding a vegan lunch during week two and so on.

Do it right

Make sure you don’t miss out on essential nutrients. Just because you’re vegan that doesn’t mean you’re 100% healthy, as there are vegan versions of almost every type of junk food you can think of. As long as you eat a wide variety of tasty plant foods, planning a healthy diet that incorporat­es all the vitamins and nutrients you need will be a breeze. Check out our nutrition pages for more informatio­n, or seek advice from a registered dietitian.

Try new Things

Treat your taste buds to new foods and new flavours. Leaving your food comfort zone will take you on a voyage of discovery of new cuisines. There are thousands of vegan recipes out there from every corner of the globe. Whatever your culinary preference, you’ll encounter amazing new dishes and interestin­g variations on your old favourites. Yet you don’t have to be an award-winning chef to achieve this. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the number of meals you can easily prepare from things already in your kitchen or local supermarke­t ingredient­s.

keep learning

Remember that going vegan is a learning curve. To live as a vegan in a non-vegan world takes both courage and curiosity. Veganism has been around since 1944, but it’s still a relatively new concept to many people. It’s important you allow yourself time to learn about the various strands of veganism – and remember to pat yourself on the back along the way for the progress you’ve made.

ask for help

“Where can I buy vegan chocolate?” “How do I bake cakes without eggs?” “I don’t know how to speak to my family about veganism!” Fear not –you’re not alone. Our website is full of informatio­n and resources covering all of these questions and more. There’s nothing like talking to other vegans to make your transition even easier. Link up with others through channels like Facebook or Twitter where you’ll discover many friendly people happy to help. For additional support you should download our free Veguide app.

remember why

Keep reminding yourself of the reasons you’ve chosen a vegan lifestyle, and the benefits you’ve felt since going vegan. You’ll probably find going vegan a lot easier than expected, but if you do have a bad day or feel this whole vegan thing is too much like hard work – take a deep breath and briefly reflect on your choices. Reading books or regularly watching informativ­e and uplifting videos about veganism can help, as does keeping motivating visual reminders like photos of your favourite animals.

Don’t give up

If you believe in yourself, vegan living will soon become second nature. There is always a better reason to stick with your decision than to go against it. If you’re having issues with friends or family, don’t give up. Remember, there are lots of vegan groups online and off that you can join.

Make sure that you do things along the way that remind you of the joy of vegan living, and take it one day at a time. You’ve chosen an amazing, exciting and profound way to live your life – be sure to enjoy it. For more, visit vegansocie­

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