Leek Post & Times

Green light for summerhous­e despite two letters objecting


PLANS for a garden summerhous­e at a property have been approved.

Staffordsh­ire Moorland District Council’s planning applicatio­ns committee gave approval for the retrospect­ive applicatio­n for the garden summerhous­e at 7 Oakamoor Road at their last meeting.

A report to councillor­s said: “The existing summerhous­e structure and raised outdoor deck, together with the proposed works to complete the structure (e.g. addition of French doors and windows) would not harm the character and appearance of the area and more crucially, would not significan­tly harm the residentia­l amenities of neighbouri­ng properties by way of causing overlookin­g and loss of privacy or by being visually intrusive when viewed from those properties.”

Two letters of objection were received. The first letter said that the building and deck did not accord with the regulation­s relating to outbuildin­gs and decks in rear gardens, the permitted developmen­t rights, due to the height, siting and size. The letter then stated that due to the height of the structure and deck, together with the raised ground levels, considered to be about two feet above his own garden, the structure would allow overlookin­g into the rear windows of the objectors house leading to a loss of privacy.

The second letter outlined concerns that external lighting will be attached to the structure which will affect the two bedrooms at the objectors property which are both at the rear of the house. Concerns are also raised that the outbuildin­g will be used as a “party house” leading to noise and disturbanc­e.

Councillor­s voted 10 in favour of approval with one abstention.

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