Leek Post & Times

Litter-pick your way to fitness in new scheme!

Pick-fit combines physical activity and caring for residents’ local environmen­t

- By Les Jackson leslie.jackson@reachplc.com

A NEW scheme now enables people to litter-pick their way to fitness and at the same time help keep the Staffordsh­ire Moorlands clean.

Being active and spending time outdoors has proven benefits for people’s physical and mental wellbeing – and a new scheme set to launch in the Staffordsh­ire Moorlands has the added bonus of helping to keep local neighbourh­oods clean at the same time.

Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council and its waste and street cleaning partner Alliance Environmen­tal Services are linking up with leisure centres on the Pickfit scheme which offers residents the chance to get active while taking care of their local environmen­t.

While the dedicated street cleaning team work hard to keep on top of it, rubbish and litter continues to be an issue and it’s a problem which is on the rise.

Across England £700 million is spent annually on street cleaning services – money which could be invested in other services if people disposed of their waste responsibl­y.

Councillor Mark Deaville, deputy leader and cabinet member for leisure and sports, said: “Sadly across the Moorlands we’re seeing an increase in the volume of litter being left for someone else to deal with. On the plus side we also have lots of public-spirited residents and community groups who do have pride in their neighbourh­oods and want to keep them clean and tidy.

“We’ve all come to realise the very real benefits to our health and wellbeing of being more active and being outdoors. Our new Pick-fit scheme offers the best of both worlds combining physical activity with the sense of achievemen­t that comes from looking after your local environmen­t.

“And, as a thank you to those taking part, we’re offering a free week pass to use at our local leisure centres where you can keep your activity levels up at the gym or in the pool and see if you’d be interested in signing up for a longer period.”

Councillor Sav Scalise, cabinet member for the environmen­t, said: “Litter causes damage to the environmen­t and wildlife and can make areas appear neglected and uncared for.

“It’s something that is easily avoided and I urge people to consider the impact dropping litter has and to dispose of their waste in public litter bins or take it home with them.

“Where it continues to be a problem we hope our Pick-fit scheme will be a fitting thank you to those people that do have pride in where they live and take positive action to help keep the Moorlands clean.”

To find out more about the scheme, and sign-up, visit the council’s website at www.staffsmoor­lands.gov.uk/pick-fit

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Mark Deaville.

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