Leek Post & Times

Food bank appeals for stock after the number of first-time users rises

‘Difficult times ahead’ after 156 people apply for vouchers over a single month

- By Les Jackson leslie.jackson@reachplc.com

LEEK and District Foodbank says it has seen an increase in the number of new clients having to request vouchers for the first time.

A total of 156 people needed the help of the foodbank in March – 91 adults and 65 children.

This resulted in 1,404 meals being distribute­d at a total value of £3,210.

The foodbank, which operates from Leek Gateway Church in West Street, has also issued 66kg of food to support ASHA in its vital work.

Team leader Lindsey Stockton said: “A huge thank you to all our donors, supporters and volunteers who continue to help those in need in our community.

“Your help has been invaluable as we have navigated our way through the pandemic, maintainin­g our services through the various lockdowns. We couldn’t have done it without you all.

“The last two years have often been referred to as ‘these unpreceden­ted times,’ yet, as we begin to adapt to life post-covid, we now find ourselves facing equally unpreceden­ted financial challenges, with the increase in the cost of living and spiralling fuel costs. The impact of this is universal, and people are facing impossible choices with limited financial resources.

“We remain committed to offer help wherever we can. We are striving to raise awareness of the foodbank, both for potential clients and donors, and we are updating our signpostin­g informatio­n to ensure that our clients not only receive food from us but can also be directed to the most appropriat­e agencies to try to improve their circumstan­ces.

“We shall be resuming ‘hospitalit­y,’ as Gateway Church has very kindly agreed to us using their café to serve tea and biscuits. We are also hoping that some of the agencies will be able to hold ‘in house’ sessions to advise our clients.

“It seems likely there will be difficult times ahead and we are keen to rise to any challenges laid before us. We look forward to your continued support.

“Of the 72 vouchers, 36 have been issued to clients due to low income, with a further 24 relating to benefit changes, benefit delays and debt. We are noticing an increasing number of new clients, having to request vouchers.”

The foodbank are always pleased to receive the following items:

■ Milk (UHT or powdered);

■ Fruit juice (long life carton);

■ Cereals;

■ Pasta sauces;

■ Sponge puddings;

■ Tinned tomatoes;

■ Tinned vegetables;

■ Tinned rice pudding;

■ Tea bags/instant coffee (small);

■ Instant mashed potato;

■ Rice;

■ Tinned meat/fish/potatoes;

■ Tinned fruit;

■ Jam;

■ Biscuits/snack bars;

■ Toothpaste and toiletries;

■ Toilet rolls and kitchen rolls;

It seems likely there will be difficult times ahead and we are keen to rise to challenges

Lindsey Stockton

■ Razors and shaving foam;

■ Shampoo shower gel and handwash;

■ Chocolate bars.

Please do not donate baby and infant milk. The foodbank also has adequate stocks of baked beans and pasta.

If you are a donor the foodbank would like to remind people that they can still accept your donations at the foodbank on Tuesday and Fridays between 10am and noon.

Alternativ­ely, you may use any of the permanent collection points at various locations listed on the website together with the latest urgent needs at: https:// leekdistri­ct.foodbank.org.uk.

The foodbank is updating itssignpos­ting informatio­n, so if you know of someone who cannot afford to buy food ask them to contact the foodbank so they can put them in touch with the most appropriat­e agency.

 ?? ?? Leek and District Foodbank distribute­d 1,404 meals during March.
Leek and District Foodbank distribute­d 1,404 meals during March.

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