Leek Post & Times

Karen Bradley

- Staffordsh­ire Moorlands MP

MANY of you have contacted me regarding the terrible refugee situation in Ukraine and neighbouri­ng countries so I am pleased to be able to announce an initiative that pairs the town of Bieru in Poland with Biddulph.

A few weeks ago, I represente­d the UK at an internatio­nal conference for parliament­arians from around the world.

At the conference, the UK delegation met the Polish delegation, and we were all shocked by the overwhelmi­ng situation for towns and villages in Poland who are now hosting hundreds and thousands of Ukrainian refugees.

Most of the refugees want to stay as close to home as possible and our friends in Poland need our help.

Senator Gabriela Morawskast­anecka asked whether there were any UK towns that might want to partner with towns in her constituen­cy in Poland and I was so proud when Biddulph stepped in to offer the town’s services and resources.

On Friday we held the first call between the Mayor of Biddulph, Cllr Sylvia Rushton and her opposite number in Bieru, Krystian Grzesica.

Hearing their stories, it was impossible not to be moved.

It is hard to imagine but at the moment, this town, which is similar in the size to

Biddulph, is home to around

530 refugees.

Sarah Haydon, from Biddulph Town Council, is now in contact with her equivalent in Bieru.

They will let us know what they need both to help the Ukrainians who are now safe in Poland and to get vital supplies to the Ukrainians left behind.

I know how much work is going on around the Moorlands providing support to the Ukrainian people, wherever they are.

I visited Bank House in Leek on Friday to see the supplies that are housed there ready to go to help refugees.

It makes me so proud to know all we are doing.

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