Leicester Mercury

‘You try to avoid being consumed by anger, but we do not believe he should ever be out’


- By CIARAN FAGAN ciaran.fagan@reachplc.com @ciaranefag­an

A MAN who murdered two women in Leicester in the 1980s has been released from prison, despite fears he remains a danger to the public.

Paul Bostock was 19 when he was jailed for the knife attacks which claimed the lives of 33-year-old Caroline Osborne and Amanda Weedon, aged 21.

Amanda’s family say they learned recently that Bostock – who was described at the time as a sadist who was fascinated by the occult – has been released, but they do not know where he is living or whether he has been given a new identity.

They remain convinced he should not be free because of the depraved nature of his crimes.

Amanda’s brother Martin Weedon, who lives near Loughborou­gh, said: “He is out, but we don’t know where and I have no idea if he’s changed his name.

“Our honest belief is that he remains a danger to the public. And he’s still only 53 years old.”

Bostock murdered Caroline, who owned a pet grooming business in the Narborough Road area of Leicester, in July 1983 – stabbing her in the neck and chest and dumping her body in Aylestone Meadows.

In response, police launched a murder investigat­ion during which more than 15,000 people were interviewe­d.

Then, in April 1985, he singled out Amanda moments after he had visited Caroline’s grave in the city’s Gilroes Cemetery.

Amanda, a nurse who was planning her wedding, was walking alone after a shopping trip to the city centre with her fiance when Bostock attacked her.

He stabbed her 37 times in the neck, chest and thigh.

Bostock, of Beaumont Leys, admitted both murders at Leicester Crown Court and was given mandatory life sentences in June 1986.

While awaiting sentence, he wrote from his prison cell: “I have destroyed everything not only that I tried to be, but I have ruined my victims’ families’ lives, my family’s life and the life I had planned for us.

“I am an animal who deserves to be locked away. If I suffer for 100 years, I will still deserve more.”


The Parole Board, which cleared Bostock for release having made an assessment of his suitabilit­y for life outside

prison, wrote to the families late last month to confirm he had been granted his freedom.

The letters stated that he will remain under licence and will have to observe tight restrictio­ns on his conduct.

His movements will be monitored by an electronic tag, he must observe a daily curfew and he must not make any effort to go near, or contact, any of his victims’ relatives.

He is also barred from entering Leicesters­hire, Derbyshire or Nottingham­shire.

The Weedon family was able to read a statement to the Parole Board hearing earlier this year to explain why they believed Bostock would always pose a risk to the public, particular­ly women.

Despite this, the board went on to clear him for release.


Martin said: “You try to avoid being consumed by anger, but it’s always there – we just don’t believe this man should be out.

“We took it as far as we could but there was nothing more we could do to stop his release.”

Amanda’s family, led by her father Horace Weedon, has repeatedly spoken out against Bostock’s bids for freedom.

However, Mr Weedon died aged 92 in March this year and Martin, 61, took on responsibi­lity for the family’s campaign of blocking Bostock’s bid for parole and for keeping his sister’s name alive.

Loughborou­gh MP Jane Hunt mentioned the case and reflected the family’s concerns about Bostock’s release when she spoke during a recent debate in the House of Commons.

That means the case is recorded in the official Parliament­ary record, Hansard.

Mr Weedon said: “My sister and father live on, if only in the records of the Houses of Parliament.

“Dad would have liked that and I would like to think that this may make the supervisio­n of Paul Bosworth a bit tighter.”


Bostock had been held in an open prison prior to his full release, meaning he was allowed out unaccompan­ied on day trips, which are part of any prisoner’s preparatio­ns for life outside custody.

According to the Parole Board’s report, which was shared with the women’s families, he has engaged with psychologi­cal treatment while in prison.

In a letter to the family, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service said: “Mr Bostock will be subject to strict licence conditions which will remain in place for the remainder of his life.

“The risk management plan includes the use of GPS tagging and a curfew. I have noted your concerns regarding both of these and can confirm that they are considered to be effective measures in managing Mr Bostock’s risk in the community.

“They will allow probation staff to monitor his activities during the day and will provide a prompt indication of increasing risk.

“Probation staff managing Mr Bostock in the community will be fully aware of any indicators that would suggest his risk was escalating and allow them to take immediate action. This may include recalling him to custody should the recall threshold be met. “

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 ??  ?? ANGRY: Martin Weedon, the brother of Amanda, right, who was stabbed 37 times by Bostock in 1985. Two years earlier, he also killed Caroline Osborne, above right
ANGRY: Martin Weedon, the brother of Amanda, right, who was stabbed 37 times by Bostock in 1985. Two years earlier, he also killed Caroline Osborne, above right
 ??  ?? DOUBLE MURDERER: Paul Bostock was still a teen when he was jailed
DOUBLE MURDERER: Paul Bostock was still a teen when he was jailed

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