Leicester Mercury

Man ran cyclist down before attacking him


- By SUZY GIBSON suzanne.gibson@reachplc.com @GibsonSuzy

A MOTORIST deliberate­ly ran down a cyclist then attacked him because he suspected he had stolen two mobile phones from his car.

Ross Marriott, 38, had the two phones taken from his car while it was parked in Melton on April 15 last year after a cyclist was seen acting suspicious­ly near the vehicle.

He then began driving round in a bid to find the thief and as he was driving along Sage Street, his passenger pointed out a nearby cyclist as the suspected culprit.

Marriott, of Wymondham Way, Melton, then drove his car at the cyclist, who ended up in some bushes. But he didn’t stop there and then climbed out of his car and punched and kicked him. A member of the public intervened and Marriott stopped his attack. The rider, who denied being involved in the theft, suffered cuts, bruises and two serious leg fractures in the incident, which left a bone sticking out of his ankle and his knee facing the wrong way.

He needed operations to insert plates and screws in his legs, leaving him in hospital for several weeks and was left suffering with depression. He has since made a good recovery.

Marriott was arrested and admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm at Leicester Crown Court, but denied a more serious offence of causing the injuries with intent.

A jury has now cleared him of the more serious charge, but he has still been given a 12-month jail term.

Sentencing, Recorder Stuart Sprawson told the defendant: “Your decision was to take the situation into your own hands when you could have called the police or just followed him.

“Your car hit that cyclist, without thought as to what the outcome might be. It was a reckless act and dangerous.

“You accept, when you gave evidence, you punched him about four times and witnesses also described seeing that.

“You told the jury you didn’t kick him but (witnesses said otherwise) and I conclude that you did kick him on the ground when he was immobile, such was the anger you showed.”

The recorder added: “You said you drove at him to get him off the bike, not to seriously hurt him but to prevent him from getting away and didn’t realise how badly hurt he was.

“You said it was ‘a warning’ and what you did was punishment – and that’s why you did what you did. You’d clearly lost your self control.”

The defendant, an unemployed scaffolder and builder, was said to have overcome drink and drug issues since and although he had a history of mental ill health difficulti­es, his condition had stabilised.

Joey Kwong, mitigating, said the case involved “more than the usual provocatio­n” as the defendant had earlier been a victim of theft and acted on the spur of the moment.

Marriott was said to be “remorseful and apologetic”.

Recorder Sprawson said: “I’d be failing in my public duty if I did not send you to prison.”

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