Leicester Mercury

Help me stop the BBC from making this show


I WAS dismayed to learn that BBC3 has commission­ed a programme to be called Will My Puppies Make Me Rich?

The producers have said the emphasis will be on the long-term commitment of caring for companion animals. However this message is still ignored by many “pet owners”, despite being promoted for years.

Prospectiv­e puppy breeders could think informatio­n in the programme is a way of making easy money. They could even be tempted to breed “designer dogs”, a practice which has caused considerab­le harm to them. Irresponsi­ble breeding to achieve specific physical features has led to puppies with breathing problems and eye, ear and spinal problems, as well as many other painful, even life-threatenin­g health conditions.

Among many criticisms, the programme could encourage unscrupulo­us criminals to steal particular popular breeds to sell to breeders for profit.

Research estimates that 130,000 dogs enter UK rehoming charity centres annually. In February, the PDSA estimated there are 10.1 million pet dogs in the UK. Sadly in 2019 more than 47,500 were abandoned, and these are the animals found – many more could have perished. Surely we shouldn’t encourage breeding? The dog population is large enough.

Animals are not profit-making commoditie­s. Shame on the BBC3 for commission­ing such an ill-considered programme which should not go ahead. Please sign a petition against it at change.org.

Elizabeth Allison, Aylestone

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