Leicester Mercury

Under set to miss trip to Palace


CENGIZ Under could miss Leicester City’s final game of the calendar year with a hamstring injury, writes Jordan Blackwell.

The Turkish winger was sat in the stands for the 2-2 draw with Manchester United after pulling up in training on Christmas Day, and may also be absent for this afternoon’s clash with Crystal Palace.

If he does miss the trip to Selhurst Park, he shouldn’t be out for much longer beyond that, with a scan showing no significan­t problems.

“He had a slight hamstring yesterday in training, when he pulled up,” Rodgers said about Under after the Boxing Day clash with United.

“We’ve had a scan and it’s all clear, but he’s feeling a bit of tightness, and it may be related to his back.

“We’ll have to monitor that and see if he’s available.”

Under’s countryman Caglar Soyuncu will be back in the squad though after overcoming a groin injury he picked up on his return to action earlier this month.

He could be among several City changes as they go again just 48-and-a-half hours after the final whistle at the King Power Stadium.

Ricardo Pereira (groin) remains on the sidelines though, and will now have to make his comeback in 2021.

“There’ll be one or two players that have just come back that there will be question marks over and that we’ll need to have a look at,” said Rodgers. “The likes of Timothy Castagne, who has just come back from a hamstring injury.

“Cags will be back in the squad, or should be, which is great. Ricardo won’t be.

“But all the others should be available to travel.”

Last season, Rodgers made nine changes between the Boxing Day defeat to Liverpool and the win at West Ham two days later.

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