Leicester Mercury



- By ADRIAN TROUGHTON adrian.troughton@reachplc.com @adriantrou­ghton

POLICE have appealed to the public to be on the look-out for dog thieves after a spate of thefts across Leicesters­hire, while a councillor is warning against posting “cute” images of animals online.

Inspector Siobhan Gorman, in charge of policing in Market Harborough, Lutterwort­h, Wigston and Oadby, said: “We ask the community to remain vigilant, to work with us to identify suspects and keep your pets safe.

“Contact us if you see anyone acting suspicious­ly, including adverts for dogs for sale - if you’re buying a dog and something doesn’t seem right.”

The appeal came after police advised people to remove cable ties from lampposts in their area over fears they were signals to help dognappers.

Many people fear the cable ties could be a signal to dog thieves that there might be a pet worth taking in a nearby house.

The RSPCA has warned thieves are taking orders from would-be dog-owners before scouring the streets for matches as demand for pets soars during lockdown. The animal welfare charity urged owners to take extra care of their pets following thefts.

In the past two weeks alone, the Mercury has reported on four separate incidents in the city and county involving the disappeara­nce of more than 10 animals.

Just days ago, we told how a woman has been left heartbroke­n after thieves stole the pet dog which is helping her as she recovers from cancer.

The woman, who has asked not to be identified, has made an emotional appeal for the safe return of her black labrador, Purdey, who was taken from her home near Billesdon last Friday.

“She was given to me as a gift to help me recover from cancer,” she said.

“Because of this, we have developed an incredibly close bond. Our relationsh­ip is special and unique.

“I need her and she needs me. She needs to be home where she belongs.”

The rise in dog thefts is a growing problem nationally, resulting in calls on the government by the public and dog charities to take further action to address the issue, including the introducti­on of harsher punishment­s.

And a councillor has warned pet owners that dog thieves are trawling social media looking for animals to

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