Leicester Mercury

Inmate fashioned weapon with nail, beard oil bottle


- By SUZY GIBSON suzanne.gibson@reachplc.com @GibsonSuzy

A PRISONER who fashioned a weapon from a container of beard oil and a nail has had his term behind bars extended.

Father-of-three Robert Lightfoot aroused the suspicions of prison guards when he walked into a workshop area at HMP Stocken, near Oakham, when he would not normally have been there.

One of the guards asked the 30-year-old if he had anything he shouldn’t have on his person and Lightfoot immediatel­y said “yeah” and pulled the item out of his pocket.

When asked why he had fashioned the weapon, he said he carried weapons on the outside and “did not see why he should stop on the inside”.

Nicola Patten, prosecutin­g Lightfoot at Leicester Crown Court, said the defendant already had 115 offences on his record for various crimes and was jailed for four years and eight months, in April 2020, for an attempted robbery and making a threat with a knife. He also had a 2019 conviction for possessing a bladed article.

She added: “He was told to ‘leave it’ and the officer found an improvised weapon. It was a long screw attached to a beard oil bottle and was six or seven inches long.

“He was interviewe­d in January and admitted it. He said he carried weapons on the outside and did not see why he should stop doing so when inside – but said he wasn’t carrying it for any particular reason.”

Lightfoot pleaded guilty to being in possession of an improvised weapon last October.

Recorder Graham Huston said: “This weapon could have caused a serious penetrativ­e injury. A nail was embedded into a handle.

“You seem to have a fixation, or compulsion, with weapons. You said you habitually carried them outside of prison and saw no reason why you shouldn’t in prison. Your reason was it made you feel better. You found the prison regime stressful.

“The aggravatin­g feature is your previous offending and the fact this was committed in prison. I accept you took a compliant attitude, when you were stopped and searched, and I’m told that, otherwise, you’ve behaved impeccably in custody.”

Jas Dhaliwal, mitigating, said: “Fortunatel­y it wasn’t seen by anyone or used to cause harm or to threaten any other prisoners. He was fully compliant and calm when searched and made full admissions in his police interview.

“He wasn’t suggesting it was a good thing to carry such a weapon and he regrets what he did. He was suffering from stress and anxiety at a time, when the prison was in lockdown for 23 hours a day.

“He wasn’t charged until this year and in the nine months since this matter he’s kept out of trouble and there have been been no issues with any inmates.

Lightfoot, who appeared in court via a live video link from prison, was given a 10-month jail sentence, to be served consecutiv­ely after completing his present jail term.

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