Leicester Mercury

Safety measure isn’t there to look pretty


I WAS saddened to read that Jenny Joanmou places her idea of aesthetics above the safety of cyclists (“Ugly bollards detract from loveliness of lane”, Mailbox, July 13).

I’ve been using Evington Lane to cycle to work since 2015. Indeed, on the day after I read Jenny’s letter I used it four times as I cycled to see a friend in Knighton in the evening.

Maybe my fitness level has increased so much I cycle too fast for Jenny to observe, but more likely there is a flaw in the sampling process.

I am sure the cycle lane is used more at certain times than others. It is very busy in the morning heading into Evington, with, by the look of their attire, students heading for the schools.

They deserve protection from the very large lorries that use the B667 as a shortcut into the city.

The fact that the bollards are regularly knocked over the road must surely give Jenny a clue as to why cyclists appreciate the constant visual reminder to drivers not to cross into our space. I regularly pass the council traffic team repairing them.

I would prefer to have a firmer barrier, one that won’t end up as debris on the footpath, hindering pedestrian­s. I don’t think aesthetics is a good enough reason to remove it without a better replacemen­t.

On Saturday I cycled one quarter of the ring road from Evington to Birstall, where there is no such protection.

I admit I chickened out of cycling over the railway bridge along Toon Way and walked on the pavement due to fear of traffic getting too close where the road narrows.

However, it was lucky I was cycling. On the way back, my friend and I spotted an odd shape in the middle a junction. Had I been driving I don’t think I would have realised it was a hedgehog.

My friend scooped him up into her panniers. I’m happy to report that after a drink and some tinned cat food he was on his way again.

Although I, too, care about my city and would like a clutter-free city we call can enjoy, please keep the bollards where they are so we humans can also get safely on our way.

Ursula Bilson, Evington

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