Leicester Mercury

Government doesn’t care about its people


FOUR weeks to go, before the election that is currently riveting the country, well 200,000 Tory party members, who, we are being told in the media, are as an average, still believing that we still have an empire – and didn’t Winston Churchill do well in South Africa?

In the meantime, whatever happened to the government we elected?

Lost in France, according to some accounts, while others imply that, as the fun is now over, Boris doesn’t want to play at being PM any more and all he wants to do is get back to skip diving for his suits.

And whilst this is happening the country is having a meltdown, with fuel and food prices more reminiscen­t of Germany in the 1930s, out of control, and seemingly nobody wants to deal with them.

The bosses of the fuel companies are laughing at the nation as they pocket obscene pay and bonuses.

BP, we are told, are making £800 profit a second and all the mad boxes of frogs can do is quake in the realisatio­n that the only sensible solution is a profit tax on the rip-off fuel companies.

And just where are these predicted fuel price rises coming from?

Apparently in France, the fuel companies are limited by law from increasing fuel prices like they can get away with in the UK - 4 per cent I have heard. Our government clearly got confused and thought that 40 per cent was the number, or even 400 per cent?

This useless bunch of parasites whose fuel bills are paid for by the taxpayer anyway, through expenses, are apparently in charge of the fifthriche­st nation on earth. But they cannot see any further than a cushy job in the private sector once they get kicked out by the electorate.

So they don’t give a damn about the average people who are not going to be able to heat or eat, or get that cushy job in the private sector.

And remind me, how many of our local MPs were quick to vote down Labour’s first attempt to put £600 in the taxpayers’ pocket?

Every single one of them, but we all knew that anyhoo.

Quick to line their own pockets, to get the same taxpayer paying their fuel bills, but “what, give the voters money, are you mad?”

No, forget the voters, just think of the boxes of frogs happy at the thought of life as the Prime Minister is dishing out favours and jobs like a modern-day Caesar. Bread and circuses, well, forget the bread.

What is the point of a government that refuses to even contemplat­e their electorate and their needs?

Apparently, the fat fool is currently looting anything not nailed down from Chequers, rather than addressing the single biggest issue facing this country, its people and the fear of the coming winter.

Robert Thomas, Botcheston

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