Evening Standard

Youngsters are struck dumb by their phones


A COLLEAGUE, trying desperatel­y to reach one of her staff, ended up tweeting at her: “Pick up your phone! It’s what it’s there for!” Not for most twentysome­things. They may be wedded to their iPhones — email! Twitter! Instagram! — but they hate actually talking to anyone on them.

At 31, I’m among the last of those who grew up using a phone largely to ring people. The evenings of my early adolescenc­e were spent on the parental landline, speaking to friends I’d spent all day with. My first mobile, a Nokia 3210, didn’t even have a camera, let alone email.

We need to help the young recover from their telephonop­hobia. The phone is potent technology: you can convey tone, avoid jokes being misconstru­ed and get immediate answers. Not even a string of emojis can do that.

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