Loughborough Echo

The first Great Get Together in the memory of Jo Cox


FAMILIES and individual­s from a number of different ethnic and religious background­s gathered in Queen’s Park, Loughborou­gh to celebrate the life of MP Jo Cox who was murdered last year.

The ‘Great Get Together’ event was in partnershi­p with Charnwood Arts, Loughborou­gh Peace Group, Loughborou­gh Council of Faiths as well as Hope not Hate.

The family event began at 2pm on Sunday, June 18 and people were encouraged to bring along picnics and to enjoy the sun.

Events like the one in Loughborou­gh were held up and down the country to celebrate the life of the MP who was murdered in the street in Birstall, West Yorkshire.

A spokespers­on from Hope not Hate told the Echo: “The weekend gave us the chance to celebrate and affirm our common humanity and the message of Jo Cox: In all the hate, intoleranc­e and fear we may see in this world. We have much more in common than that which divides us. Love Loughborou­gh and make new friends.”

 ??  ?? The Great Get Together in Queen’s Park, Loughborou­gh. A special gathering that was arranged to celebrate the life and message of MP Jo Cox who was murdered last year. Photos courtesy of Hope Not Hate Loughborou­gh.
The Great Get Together in Queen’s Park, Loughborou­gh. A special gathering that was arranged to celebrate the life and message of MP Jo Cox who was murdered last year. Photos courtesy of Hope Not Hate Loughborou­gh.
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