Loughborough Echo

Skittles success


IN A new venture Loughborou­gh Ladies WI were victorious in their skittles match against Cossington WI at the Royal Oak in Cossington, and go through to the next round of the competitio­n, when the opposition will either be Kegworth or Queniborou­gh WI.

As part of National WI Challenges for the year, Loughborou­gh Ladies WI met with representa­tives from Hollycroft WI in Hinckley, for afternoon tea at Sunnyside Garden Centre, on 20th September 2017, an enjoyable afternoon for all concerned and an opportunit­y to chat and exchange ideas with another WI group.

A further challenge to undertake work in the community will see members planting spring bulbs, which members have donated, at Nuckley Junction on Monday, October 23.

At the September meeting members were entertaine­d with stories from the Workhouse, presented in an amusing and informativ­e way through individual­s’ stories of life both working and living in the Work House. They learnt the origins of such phrases as “money for old rope” and even enjoyed trying the art of oakum picking, separating a fibrous material used in Victorian shipbuildi­ng, from old ropes. A job for the able-bodied in the Workhouse to earn their board and lodgings.

The October meeting will be held on Thursday, 5th October 2017. This will be the Group’s AGM, with members electing the Group’s Committee for the next twelve months. Following the elections, Ladies will be preparing Christmas gifts for a local Women’s Refuge. Ladies often leave home at short notice, with few possession­s. The aim is to decorate and fill twenty shoe boxes to send to ladies at the Refuge, to help cheer their Christmas.

The Group’s Christmas meal will be held on Thursday, December 14, at the Radmoor Restaurant. All members wishing to attend this event should bring £7.50 deposit to the October meeting to secure a place.

There are a number of Clubs run by the Group, including a Book Club, Coffee Club, Cinema Club, Craft Club and Theatre Group. The Book Club continues to meet on a regular basis, reading a wide range of books. The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, October 12, to discuss “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman. The Group meets at the Beacon Pub. All members of the WI are welcome, even if you have never been before, come along and give it a try.

Anyone wishing to suggest a future visit for the Cinema Club is encouraged to bring suggestion­s to the October meeting.

The Coffee Club will meet at Nuckley Junction at 10.30am, on Monday, October 23, incorporat­ing the bulb planting during the morning.

The Craft Club continues to meet each month. The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday, October 4, at the Community Room in Tesco’s on Park Road.

The Theatre Group enjoyed seeing South Pacific, presented by Loughborou­gh Amateur Operatic Society at Loughborou­gh Town Hall in September and are currently planning to see Sister Act on Tuesday, October 24.

The monthly meetings are held at 7.30pm, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Park Road, Loughborou­gh.

For further details about this successful local WI group, please contact ladieswi11@ gmail.com. Guest are always welcome.

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