Loughborough Echo

Could this have come from watching too many evil Bond villains?


IT’S INVIGORATI­NG to read an opinion from the dark, distant and opposite end of the spectrum to your own.

John Buck (‘A little explanatio­n to help tidy up confusion over Brexit’, Letters, November 1) is afraid there’s a plan to set up a world government, being prepared in secret by ‘the elite’.

My position is the exact opposite: I’m afraid there is not a plan to set up a world government; but suggest that if there were it’d be best to have ‘the elite’ on the job; and hope that those wise enough to be proposing it would shout their proposals from the rooftops.

Given the death and destructio­n that humans still inflict on their own planet – along with threats from deranged leaders to inflict yet more, as highlighte­d in the same edition of your Letters page – I’m astonished that anyone does not yearn for a new world order.

Mr Buck is a typical conspiracy theorist: plenty of unexplaine­d assumption­s, no actual evidence.

It’s odd how they always tend to assume that at a global level, government would be both unelected and tyrannical. Could this come from watching too many evil Bond villains?

It’s odd how they fear elites. If they needed brain surgery, would they shun an elite surgeon in favour of a less competent one?

It’s odd how their arguments are usually phrased in a vague ‘us and them’ terminolog­y. Could this come from reading the Daily Mail?

If Mr Buck is in the ‘us’ camp, then I’m delighted to be with ‘them’. And, like many Echo readers, I’d be even more delighted to hear from him more details of this plan for a new world order that has mysterious­ly filtered down to back street in Shepshed.

Hold the front page, editor! Richard Guise Cradock Drive, Quorn

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