Loughborough Echo

Post-Brexit Britain will flourish


THE greatest British democratic exercise on 23rd June 2016, after a year’s notice in which arguments for and against could be aired and shared, returned a clear majority of 52/48 in favour of ‘this Nation’ leaving the EU; note not Europe.

That same EU now openly displays vitriol and loathing for the people of Britain and our democracy. Continuanc­e of Project Fear changed nothing, so Remoaners (good descriptio­n) have ratcheted up their Project Fear propaganda to levels Joseph Goebbels would envy. Would you want to remain in such an abusive relationsh­ip?

Richard Guise and his like minded chums, likely aspire to positions closer to that of the Pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm. I’m sure they’ll let us know.

Absolutely, No deal is better than a bad deal.

Post-Brexit Britain will flourish in the global pool, as 85 per cent of the planet line up to trade directly with us. Don’t be fooled by the phrase ‘ the UK trade would have to be governed by World Trade Organisati­on - WTO rules’.

What Remoaners don’t tell you is that all internatio­nal trade is already governed by WTO rules.

Ladies and Gentlemen, word on the door step and street, is that you stand by your original choice to Leave the EU. Expect shed loads more hysteria, fake news and condescend­ing pro- nouncement­s from those who stand to do better clinging to the EU teat. Remember that milk belongs to you.

Dr Andy McWilliam chairman – UKIP Loughborou­gh & District Spinney Drive, Quorn

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Photo: Getty Images

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