Loughborough Echo

History of knitting


NANPANTAN WI met as usual for our March meeting with enthusiasm for a talk on the “The History and Joy of Knitting”.

Two ladies came to talk to us Mary Leeson and Liz Dunajewska.

Mary firstly told us about the history of knitting which was thought to have come from North Africa and possibly from the making of fishing nets.

It was a male dominated task originally before it was something that women took to. It was very important during wars making items for soldiers to help keep them warm or protected.

During the executions in the French Revolution it was said that ladies knitted whilst watching the guillotine do its work and also names were worked in code into the knitting to indicate who was to be next!

Our own Royal Family much encouraged knitting to help the troops in the various wars notably first and second world wars. This of course encouraged the public to get involved making gloves, hats, scarf’s etc.

Mary also showed us patterns from the past which included a knitted man’s swimming trunks – not very practical!

Liz then commenced her talk. She had brought a large case of knitted items to show us which included dolls, pompoms, book covers, fingerless gloves, jumpers, shawls, scarves, mufflers and much much more.

Some items simply constructe­d but most intricate with cable stitches or lovely Icelandic designs. The scarves were colourful and practical and shawls were warm or delicate like gossamer.

The highlight of the evening were all the wonderful blankets beautifull­y colourful with beading and designs of birds, flowers, cakes, insects, stripes and lacy effects. Some were pretty muted colours whilst others were strong Mediterran­ean hues. Beads glinted within the patterns.

It was a joy to see all this lovely work and wonderful designs. Such an inspiratio­n. A very enjoyable evening which we thank our speakers for immensely .

Our next meeting on Thursday, April 12, and will be a talk from The Red Cross.

We also have craft, cinema, café, and lunch clubs. Our monthly meetings cover a variety of topics.

New members are always welcome.

We meet at Ronald West Court Lounge, Langdale Avenue, LE11 3RE at 7.15pm for 7.30pm.

Just pop along ! We look forward to seeing you.

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