Loughborough Echo


- By Brooklea Nursery, Rothley

After a long and arduous Winter, it is a joy to see the emergence of Spring (and much welcomed colour!) in the appearance of Daffodils, the blossom of Camellia and the pretty faces of Hellebores in bloom. Spring is also the busiest time of year in the garden and on even the coldest days, we can get ahead by planning our yearly seed sowing and reflecting on last year’s fruit and vegetable harvests. Now is the best time to get screening or structure in your garden by planting trees and shrubs whilst they are still dormant. If you tend an allotment or like to grow your own at home, begin selecting your seed potatoes ready for planting at the end of the month. Why not plant a fruit tree? There’s nothing like the taste of your own grown fruit! It is important to consider wildlife in the garden and it is an ideal time to begin planning a perennial border to offer nectar-rich flowers throughout the Summer and into Autumn. This not only sustains a myriad of beneficial insects such as predators and pollinator­s but also looks beautiful. If your boundary fences need replacing, it is wise to do so now, before any herbaceous plants begin to appear. A trip to Brooklea Nursery in Rothley is a treat for gardeners of all ages. There you will find valuable colour in their displays of Spring bulbs, bedding, perennials and hardy shrubs as well as everything you need for allotments and a garden makeover.

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