Loughborough Echo

Top tips to take the stress out of the everyday commute...


WORKERS have been offered seven tips to help take the stress out of their day-to-day commute to work in order to aid a productive day in the office.

Driving experts from LeaseCar. uk are encouragin­g workers to tidy up, find a friend and turn on a podcast to help time pass quicker.

These are their tips for a stressfree commute:

1. Expect delays

If you expect you commute to take longer than normal it means that you won’t be as stressed or angry when it does. It may also encourage you to leave home a little bit earlier, helping factor in any delays.

2. Find a podcast

Whether this is something you can laugh at on your way to work, or an educationa­l podcast which will help improve what you do, having a distractio­n and something to take your mind off the line of stagnant cars in front of you won’t make you mind it just as much.

3. Check the route

Although you have your trusty, tried and tested route, it may sometimes be slower than you would think. If there’s been an accident, for example, you wouldn’t know anything about it until you’re stuck in the traffic.

4. Food and Drink

There’s nothing worse than being hangry and having to stop off at the shops before you get to work making you even later. Having a cup of coffee handy and a secret supply of breakfast bars will keep your stomach, and mind, that little bit happier.

5. Buddy up

Everything is always a little bit better when you have someone alongside you. Whether this is to have someone to complain to about the traffic, to change the song or just for a general chit chat, it’ll help the commute fly by.

6. Use your phone

Just because you’re not at the office doesn’t mean you can’t do a bit of work. The majority of cars now have Bluetooth meaning you can have quick catchups and maybe prepare for meetings before you arrive to work. This will help you get in the right mindset for the day and make sure it’s as productive as your commute.

7. Clean car, clean mind

Everyone’s heard the saying, and we all know how true it is. If you’re spending a lot of time in the car during your commute, it makes sense to keep it as clean and tidy as possible – you wouldn’t sit at a desk covered in toast crumbs all day.

 ??  ?? ■ Queuing traffic on roads. (Andrew Milligan/PA Wire)
■ Queuing traffic on roads. (Andrew Milligan/PA Wire)

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