Loughborough Echo


- Jane Tindle 01509 414201 Jane.Tindle@outlook.com

OPEN FOR PERSONAL PRAYER. Holy Trinity Church is open for personal prayer on Saturdays 10-11.30am and Tuesdays 6pm - 7.30pm.

BARROW COMMUNITY LIBRARY . Pre-order and collect service (available for all customers)

Home delivery service (available for customers self isolating & housebound) Starts Monday, July 6. These services will be available by phone, email or paper form.

Please let us know your name, library card number, phone number and book requests.

When your books have been selected you will be given a time slot within which to call and collect your books from the library foyer.

Order forms are available from the library during collection hours: Monday 2pm - 4pm Wednesday 10am - 12noon, Friday 10am - 12noon.

E mail: clickncoll­ect@ barrowcomm­unitylibra­ry.org. uk

Tel: 01509 416356 Please note there will not be any access to the library other than to collect pre-ordered books.

For the safety of our volunteers we ask you to social distance at all times when collecting your book orders.

Please return books through our drop box.

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