Loughborough Echo



Parish council chairman at Sutton Bonington, Coun. Julie McMullen-Kerr, has commented on the fantastic engagement of councillor­s during the current national situation, mentioning in particular the flood and Covid-19 related work. She says the hard work of the councillor­s and all the village volunteers is very much appreciate­d.

Comment has been made by the chairman on the recent situation involving Hanforth parish council which drew tremendous national press and TV publicity and highlighte­d disagreeme­nt between some members of that council.

Coun. McMullen-Kerr said she had circulated an email to her councillor­s reminding them to remain respectful of one another.

CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday morning services will continue to be held at St. Michael’s Church in Sutton Bonington “for the foreseeabl­e future.”

The Sunday services will be at 11 am and the Church will also continue to be open every day for visitors and private prayer, subject to Covid-secure restrictio­ns.

CRICKET INVITE. New players are being invited to join Sutton Bonington Cricket Club for the forthcomin­g season.

Club officials say they would be “delighted” to hear from anybody interested in playing. Anybody interested is asked to contact Frank Lester on 01509 843364, David Appleby on 07855 934777 or Patrick Hood on 07508 326009.

May 17 and then every Monday evening from 6.30 pm members will be available at the green for coaching and advice sessions.

CRIME UPDATE. Criminal activity in Gotham last month that was reported to the police related to an attempted entry into a property on Kegworth Road and the theft of number plates from a vehicle parked on Bidwell Crescent.

On March 7 an unknown suspect attempted to gain entry to the property on Kegworth Road while the occupant was not at home.

Two days later unknown suspects removed the front and back number plates from a car parked on Bidwell Crescent.

Details of the crimes committed during the month have been reported to the local Neighbourh­ood Watch Co-ordinator and to Gotham Parish Council

Any residents who wish to contact the local Notts beat officer responsibl­e for the village – P.c. Kelly Carlisle – may contact her at Kelly. carlile@nottingham­shire. pnn.police.uk

She can be followed on twitter @LeakeKwort­hCops or on facebook at Rushcliffe South Police. Her mobile number is 0772592533­0

If wish to contact her you can ring 101 ext 3101530, or the control room where a message can be left. Her Sergeant is Sgt 775 Robinson based at Cotgrave Police Station (ext. 3100775).

This new project is open to the whole community of Mountsorre­l. It is due to start quite soon.

The Moving Minds project will start by holding some group walks around Mountsorre­l.

Mental health is something many of us are suffering right now, and this is not helped by feelings of isolation and loneliness.

The groups will be a time for people to talk to others or speak to one of the leaders if they need support with anything.

These walks are open to the whole community (and their dogs) and will take place during the week and at weekends, so that everyone can access at least one of the groups.

Due to Covid-19, numbers will initially be limited to 15, and will be on a booking basis to maintain the health and safety of those taking part.

There are great reasons to give the walks a try.

If you and/or a person you support are wanting to get more active, return to gentle exercise or just get outdoors, these walks are ideal.

The walking groups are a good way to meet new people.

The walks are a good way to enjoy the beautiful surroundin­g of Mountsorre­l

Walking is a good way to explore the local area, embrace nature and take in local history.

Group walks are great for sharing stories, knowledge and support with one another.

For enquiries or to put your name down for the walking group, please email Anthony at youthoffic­er@LRYFS.co.uk or text your details to 07979 031673.

COMMUNITY HERITAGE CENTRE. Granite’s Coffee Shop on Swithland Lane is due to reopen on Monday, May 17.

Also, weather permitting, the shack should be open every day.

Volunteers have completed a lot of work during lockdown throughout the whole site.

All obstacles in the crazy golf have been remade and re-painted.

A new peace garden has been created in the bottom of the old quarry, to provide a beautiful area for relaxation. It is also possible to buy granite plaques in memory of loved ones to go onto the sleeper sculptures in the garden. Please email rachaelmba­rnett@btinternet. com for more informatio­n.

New paths have also been added in the bottom of the quarry leading to a developing garden.

The Eco Team volunteers have been busy in the Nunckley Garden Nursery, growing plants for purchase. There are 15 varieties of annuals and 25 different types of perennials.

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