Loughborough Echo



ANNUAL REPORT. Wysall and Thorpe in the Glebe parish council chairman Coun. Sam Stephens in his annual report for 2021 has commented on the past 12 months, saying what a difference a year makes!

“After a quick read through the Chairman’s report for 2019 showed what a busy village and parish council we have with many social activities taking place and raising money for charity, but 2020/2021, the only real social event was VE day”.

He continued: “Our last face to face meeting was in early March 2020 with no real appreciati­on as to what the next twelve months would bring. Our next meeting would be in June and would be held virtually with members getting to grips with modern technology and complying with the latest legislatio­n. We have held many meetings successful­ly since and the work of the Parish and our clerk has continued successful­ly.

“The only real social outings in March to May were the regular Clapping for Carers over a ten week period thanking all NHS staff and key workers helping us get through the first lockdown and the frightenin­g rise in Covid cases and hospitalis­ations.”

Coun. Stephens said the Covid-19 situation all over the UK meant that events and life in the paish was very different to normal circumstan­ces but VE day celebratio­n was a great day in May despite having the village hall barn dance cancelled. “The sun was shining and people socially distanced themselves as they walked through the decorated village, playing music and chatting to real people – a great social occasion. The VE bench has now been installed and looks fantastic being a counter point the WWI memorial on the opposite side of the road.”

The council wasn’t the only organisati­on affected by the overall virus situation. “The Church held a memorable Carol Service outside of the Church which was thoroughly enjoyed by many village residents, explaining that the Government restrictio­ns prevented gatherings inside buildings, such as churches.

The chairman commented on great work by Coun. Mike Stanley on the Gigabit Broadband opportunit­y but which sadly got massively oversubscr­ibed with Wysall eventually missing out.

“Hopefully the scheme will be re-opened and the work put to good use.”

The village hall has seen various refurbishm­ent and improvemen­t projects undertaken, including new windows, decoration and internal doors.

“The Parish Council has been lucky enough to receive a number of grants from various grant warding bodies (Notts CC £2000) and the Coronaviru­s Small business support fund had provided a £10,000 grant. A further grant of £4000 was received for the purchase and installati­on of a new notice board on the corner of Main Street and Widmerpool Road. So, despite a drop in rental income of some £4-£5k, the Parish is in a healthy position financiall­y.”

The chairman’s report continued: “There has been a steady flow of planning applicatio­ns during the year, both newbuild and extensions to existing properties – some straight forward, others somewhat more contentiou­s – however, all dealt with in a balanced and profession­al manner by the council members. I should like to take the opportunit­y to thanks a few people. Firstly clerk Mike Elliott, whose knowledge of all things council related coupled with his network of key people in all manner of organisati­ons makes the running of our parish so much easier.

“I should like to thank my council colleagues who have worked alongside me for the last twelve months and for those who have offered to support the council again for the next 12 months. To thank Stephen Reeds who continues to look after our website and has ensured its compliance with accessibil­ity standards. Thank you to Councillor John Cottee and Reg Adair for their ongoing support.”

Coun. Stephens added: “Thanks also go to the Village Hall committee, who, despite having a very curtailed year, are now organizing a host of events in the coming months as lockdown is eased. Especial thanks go to Chris French.

“Coun. Liz Smith has invested a huge amount of time collating and compiling a village memoir of the last twelve months with articles written by many residents of the village. This is now available for each household and a suggested donation of £5 is requested. It is a great piece of local history captured for everyone – well done Liz.

“Finally, a thank you to all the villagers to who invest time and effort to make Wysall such a great place to live and look forward to a somewhat more upbeat 12 months ahead.”

EVENT POSTPONED. Officers at Wysall village hall are glad it rained on Saturday!

Two days before their planned garden stall event that was to take place during that morning they looked at the weather forecast and decided to call the event off, until Saturday this coming weekend, May 15.

Said organiser Christine French: “The weather forecast was so diabolical we decided to reschedule to next Saturday May 15 from 10am-1pm,” she said.

And it did rain, for much of the day!

Refreshmen­ts will be available on Saturday with visitors being invited by the Hall Social Committee to attend and pick up some cuttings and bring all their own excess seedlings to sell as well as taking all those veg they had planted and didn’t need, and split those perennials, divide those house plants and get rid spare garden tools and pots they don’t need and take any garden produce you have made such as jams, pickles, chutneys, pesto etc.

ELECTION. There is no change in the Wysall representa­tive on Notts County Council following the elections on Thursday last week. The sitting member John Cottee easily topped the poll and was returned as the Conservati­ve member for the Keyworth electoral division which includes Wysall.

Full voting figures for the ward were: John Cottee (Con) elected 2752. Not elected: Terry Rountree (Lab) 618, Linda Abbey (Lib Dem) 559, Neil Pinder (Green Party) 381.

Woodpecker class are learning about what it was like in Normanton on Soar 100 years ago.

We would really appreciate any informatio­n, photos etc. that any resident would be willing to share with us. The children are also writing letters to ask if anyone would be interested in talking to us about the history of Normanton via video link due to covid restrictio­ns. If you have anything you would like to share or interested in talking to the children please contact their Class Teacher Mrs Linda Butler lbutler@ normanton-on-soar.notts.sch. uk

ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING AT ST JAMES, NOS – SUNDAY, MAY 2. Many thanks to Jan Bonser for leading a service of Morning Prayer on the May 2. Immediatel­y following the service, we held our annual meeting at which Peter Tyers and Brian Archbold were reelected as Churchward­ens – we were encouraged by the number of people who stayed for the meeting. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) were elected as follows: Brian Archbold (Churchward­en, Treasurer, Electoral Roll Officer and Deanery Synod Representa­tive), Dr Sue Archbold (Chair of PCC), Dr Rob Caves, Peter Tyers (Churchward­en) and Dr Terry Tyers (Secretary of PCC). St James Church Annual Report for 2020 was made available to all attending and Brian Archbold went through the report, outlining our achievemen­ts in a year which has been dominated by COVID-19.

Please email brian. archbold2@btinternet.com if you’d like a copy of the report sent to you. Brian explained the difficult financial situation we are experienci­ng as many of our usual events had been cancelled. The PCC has decided to hold a funding campaign later in 2021. On the positive side, we have been holding our weekly services once the government allowed us to open, with everyone wearing masks and being socially distanced. We are still not permitted to sing in church but the congregati­on have been able to listen to the recently refurbishe­d organ being played.

Also, as soon as we were allowed to do so, the church was open daily from 10am to 4pm for private prayer and meditation. It’s interestin­g to see how many candles are being lit each week. There is no further news of a new priest being appointed but the Archdeacon of Nottingham,

The Venerable Phil Williams, is taking the service on 23rd May so we will be able to ask him for an update then. Peter Tyers then gave his report on the church fabric. Despite Covid-19, we have actually achieved quite a lot during the year.

The vestry now has a new table and cupboards so small meetings can be held in there once restrictio­ns lift.

The blue curtains across the chancel are a big improvemen­t and we now have a small kitchen area behind the organ, with hot and cold running water.


 ??  ?? The Plough at Normanton on Soar.
The Plough at Normanton on Soar.

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