Loughborough Echo

Long Whatton and Diseworth


Plans are being made to hold a remote annual meeting of Diseworth Village Hall in May after last year’s meeting was cancelled due to the pandemic restrictio­ns.

Social distancing rules mean that it is not possible to have the usual face-to-face open door meeting and organisers hope to conduct the meeting on Wednesday, May 19 using Zoom or Microsoft Teams as a remote alternativ­e.

Anyone wishing to attend the remote meeting is asked to contact the chairman of the village hall committee on chairman@diseworthh­all.com or telephone 0300 800 7000 and further details will then be forwarded to interested residents

May sees the starting point for the annual village lottery, the so-called 200 Club, administer­ed by And for the benefit of the Village Hall.

Organisers say that as well as raising valuable funds for the village hall “it has been our pleasure to award the monthly cash prizes knowing that it has lifted the spirits of the many fortunate winners.”

Many villagers already pay the £1 per month subscripti­on annually by standing order or via internet banking and the lottery organisers hope residents will continue that arrangemen­t by making payment during May.

Any residents wishing to join this year should inform the village hall and one of the committee members will provide payment details or collect the £12 per number prior to entry into the next draw.

SPRING PLANT SALE. Gardeners in Diseworth and the surroundin­g area will be pleased that the village’s annual Spring Plant Sale is going ahead following last year’s “very successful” event.

The organisers will use a similar format to last year to comply with Covid-19 regulation­s.

The plant sale is being held on four Saturday mornings during May and the events will be divided between two different locations.

On the first two Saturdays, last weekend and now this weekend, May 15 , the plant sale is at 17 Clements Gate by kind invitation of Christine Hart. All four sales will last from 10 am until 12 noon. Numbers will still be restricted by Government regulation­s and visitors to the events are asked to stagger visits and keep at safe distances.

The plant sales on the second two Saturdays, May 22 and 29, will take place at the Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels. Organisers say that by then the numbers of visitors permitted should be 30, groups of plants will be spaced out but plants will not be priced.

Payment is by donation at the discretion of plant buyers. All proceeds will go to the Parish Church funds.

All donations of plants will be most gratefully received. Villagers are asked to deliver donations of plants to either location by 9.30am on the day of the sale.

People buying plants are asked to have their own carrier bags if possible.

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