Loughborough Echo

Tories keep control of County Hall – with their majority increased



THE Conservati­ves have held on to control of Leicesters­hire County Council after securing their biggest majority ever.

The Tories clinched 42 of the 55 seats available. The Liberal Democrats have nine, and Labour four.

That means the Tories have a huge majority of 29 seats and extend their two-decade reign at County Hall.

Tory candidates snatched seats from both Labour and the Liberal Democrats, with the biggest shock coming when Labour group leader Terri Eynon lost her Coalville North seat when the first result of the day was declared.

The Liberal Democrats will again be the main opposition party but with four fewer seats than in the last term of office.

Labour have four seats, a reduction on the six they had previously.

The Tories recorded some huge margins in the seats they have won and now have six more seats in the chamber than during their last stint in charge.

Jubilant Tory Leader Nick Rushton,

above, said the party had run one of the best local election campaigns ever – particular­ly in North West Leicesters­hire where the Tories took the maximum eight seats.

He said: “I thought we would maintain our majority at least, but it will be larger. We’ve swept North West Leicesters­hire.

“We’ve won in safe, rural areas like mine and parts of Harborough but also in some urban seats which might not traditiona­lly lean to the Conservati­ves.

“I know it is a political cliche but we are one nation Conservati­ves who look to appeal to everybody – and the results show we have.

“We have a good record over the years and we have achieved everything while still being the lowest-funded county council.”

Conservati­ve deputy leader Blake Pain, who held his Bruntingth­orpe division seat, said: “It’s been a brilliant day for the Conservati­ves.

“That is testament to the hard work of our candidates.

“After 20 years in power in Leicesters­hire, we have shown we can still come up with fresh ideas that appeal to voters.

“’I’d like to thank everybody who has put their trust in us.

“They have recognised we have steered the council through some very tough times and they should know the hard work will continue. My area, Harborough, has gone blue.

“I am delighted about that.” Liberal Democrat opposition group leader Councillor Simon Galton managed to hold on to his own Launde seat by under 200 votes.

He said: “We will form the official opposition on the council but the Tories have a huge, huge majority.

“Where we have won seats it has been by very slender margins and the Conservati­ves had some very big majorities.

“From a local perspectiv­e it is disappoint­ing because it appears that national issues, like Covid vaccinatio­n, have dominated the thinking of the voters. The Tories still face some huge challenges

“They have pledged things that they will struggle to deliver and although it will be harder with fewer of us, we will make sure we continue to hold their feet to the fire.”

We are one nation Conservati­ves who look to appeal to everybody – and the results show we have

Nick Rushton

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