Loughborough Echo



ARIES March 21–April 20

An incident in the home or workplace will send everything into temporary turmoil. A quick decision and swift action are called for. Someone who offered to help with a difficult task will turn out to be unreliable and you will want to sort this situation out immediatel­y before it gets any worse.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

Double check anything of importance of leave it until later in the week if you haven’t got the time today. Taking on an absent colleague’s duties and responsibi­lities in addition to your own is proving more difficult than you anticipate­d. Help that had been promised isn’t forthcomin­g.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

You’re worrying too much about something that might never happen. This is taking up precious time and energy that could be better used elsewhere. Someone is counting on you to fulfil a promise that you made for them. You would feel awful to forget and let them down.

CANCER June 22-July 23

You will be keen to get everyday chores out of the way as quickly and efficientl­y as possible as this will give you more time for an important assignment. Some form of combined effort will be needed to complete a job to a deadline. Accept help from experience­d colleagues.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

You want something different out of your day other than your usual routine and you shouldn’t feel guilty about feeling that way. Accept invitation­s to get out and mix with others of the same age as yourself. A new romance or friendship will fill a gap in your life.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

Plans you have been keeping a secret can now be brought out into the open. Activities you have been involved in behind the scenes will come to a head. Your recent hard work will be recognised and commended. Career and promotion prospects will now look very interestin­g.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

A relative seems to be dreaming the day away when you could have done with discussing a practical matter with them. They just aren’t interested. You may need quiet time alone if this can be arranged. This isn’t because you are unsociable. You’ve something important to think about.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

People respect and appreciate your honesty and integrity. A colleague or senior official will support you if you decide to air a few grievances. Open communicat­ion and teamwork are key to your success. A great deal can be achieved in various areas of your life.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

Discussing the past could pave the way for you to set new goals for the future. Looking up a few old friends will remind you of dreams you once had that have not yet been fulfilled. It isn’t too late to return to a hobby, study or other interest you once enjoyed but never completed.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Important decisions need to be made but you are finding it hard to focus on practical concerns. It isn’t like you to be so dreamy. If you can’t bring your head down from the clouds, certain matters aren’t likely to be dealt with as efficientl­y as you would normally wish.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

Some matters will drag on longer than you would really like especially if there are legalities involved. You may feel so frustrated that this gets you thinking about making changes in your life but once things get moving again you might feel differentl­y. Avoid impulsive moves.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

A senior colleague who is a stickler for getting everything perfect will try your patience. Their behaviour will cause tension and discord in the workplace. Keep diplomacy in mind. Where you will be drawing a breath of fresh air is when you are out and about with some close friends.

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