Loughborough Echo

East Leake


Mike Elliott 0115 937 6506 mike@elliottnew­s.co.uk

LITTER PICK. A special event is being held in East Leake this coming weekend which is aimed at a way to keep the parish tidy and clean.

A Community Litter Pick is being organised for both Saturday and Sunday April 27 and 28 between 10am-12pm add 2pm-4pm and is being organised by the East Leake Parish Council.

Entry from those people willing to take part is at the parish office and all equipment needed will be provided to those involved, as well as refreshmen­ts being provided.

And to encourage youngsters to being involved there will be special prizes for them on both days.

WI. The village Women’s Institute were delighted to welcome 41 of their members and three visitors to their April monthly meeting. The new WI year is starting so membership subscripti­ons were paid and their new programme distribute­d, detailing the varied range of speakers in prospect.

The speaker the month was Susan Russell who gave a very interestin­g talk about the history of the Ruddington Framework knitters.

It was fascinatin­g to learn about how the framework knitters lived and worked in Victorian times. It was a very hard life in very basic, cramped conditions with long hours and meagre wages which were little reward for such a skilled craft.

The museum at Ruddington has a wealth of exhibits housed in authentic workers cottages and the original workshop including a genuine pair of Queen Victoria’s stockings in the textile collection.

WI members from the branch at East Leake say they now look forward to a trip there soon to see the attraction for themselves and to sample the delicious looking cakes in the newly opened café.

During refreshmen­t time, there was also the chance to sign up for the group monthly activities which include coffee at Rushcliffe Golf Club and lunch at The Ferry at Wilford. Members were also invited to find out how to join our Cinema WhatsApp group whose most recent outing was to see “Wicked Little Letters.”

Preparatio­ns are underway for our stall at The East Leake May Day Celebratio­n on Monday 6th May 1.30pm - 4.30 pm. so do come along and see us – there are bottles of wine to be won!

Next month is the Annual

Meeting and Resolution Debate and Linda Davey, WI Advisor from the Nottingham­shire Federation will be leading the Annual Meeting elections as well as the debate and vote on this year’s Resolution: “Dental Health Matters,” a very topical subject.

The branch say a full programme of speakers is available on its page on the village website https:// east-leake.co.uk/east-leakewomen­s-institute/ or look out for our posters on the village noticeboar­ds and outside the library.

New to the village or been here a while? - why not come along as a visitor, enjoy a pleasant evening and join in and find out more about us.

We offer a warm welcome to a range of events and activities with fun and friendship. For further informatio­n please contact our Membership

Secretary, Carolyn Barnett, on carolynbar­nett. eastleakew­i@outlook.com

COUNCIL PURCHASE. A decision has been taken by East Leake parish council to purchase a John Deere Grass Cutting Machine and a Kioti Utility Vehicle and to trade in the existing tractor, rotary mower, and flail mower and the tipper trailer, utilising the funds on reserves and the excess available from the building of the Costock Road Car Park to cover the costs. .

 ?? ?? East Leake.
East Leake.

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