Macclesfield Express

Best of the bunch


●● Autumn cyclamen AUTUMN flowering cyclamen, C. hederifoli­um, emerge in autumn, their delicate hanging buds opening to reveal fragile-looking flowers in shades of white, pink, cerise and magenta.

The first blooms appear before the ivy-like leaves.

They prefer a slightly shaded spot and thrive best when there is plenty of moisture from autumn through to spring without the ground becoming waterlogge­d.

C. coum, which forms a carpet of kidney-shaped, silvered leaves, decorated with nodding flowers, are perfect for lighting up areas of moist shade next to paths, or planting between trees and shrubs where they will tolerate dry soil.

They make wonderful partners for heucheras and hellebores.

Florists’ cyclamen, C. persicum, are large flowered and sold as winter bedding or house plants.

Don’t overfeed or over water them or they will flop and, if you’re keeping them in the house, make sure they are in a cool, well-ventilated spot.

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