Macclesfield Express

Weekly jobs


●● Prune tall hybrid tea roses slightly to remove old flower stems and old wood. ●● Place forcing jars over rhubarb clumps to encourage early stems for harvesting. ●● Continue winter digging if the ground is not frozen or waterlogge­d. ●● Plant bare-rooted shrubs and roses in prepared soil. ●● Lift and store swede and turnip for winter use. ●● Keep your bird feeders well stocked and put out fresh water each day. ●● Scrub out any old flower pots and seed trays and store them in the shed for future use. ●● Send off your orders for potatoes, onion sets and shallots, if you haven’t already done so. ●● Check that climbers and wall shrubs are secured to their supports to stop them being damaged by winter winds. ●● Firm the soil down around newly-planted stock to prevent it being lifted by frost.

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