Macclesfield Express

Best of the bunch


●● Euphorbia (spurge).

The zingy acid yellow bracts of euphorbias contrast brilliantl­y with other plants to ensure an eye-catching display from spring onwards.

The bracts also come in warm shades of red, purple, orange and brown.

Most herbaceous euphorbias like well-drained, light soils in full sun, or moist, micro-organism-rich soils in light, dappled shade.

It’s an incredibly varied group which includes annuals, biennials and semievergr­een perennials, so there’s plenty of choice.

Good varieties include the perennial E. polychrome, a sun-loving yellow type which flowers from mid-spring, and E. griffithii ‘fireglow’, which is ideal for moist, light shade.

Wear gloves when handling the plants because all euphorbias exude a milky sap which irritates the skin.

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