Macclesfield Express



THE future of Macclesfie­ld’s mental health unit hangs in the balance as the 12-week consultati­on kicks off. Enough is enough. Can anyone, except the people with members of their families who are in the Millbrook, feel and understand what it must be like to have this hanging over their heads as well as having loved ones in the Millbrook Centre?

I read in the Macclesfie­ld Express on 16th August 2016 quote, MP David Rutley, who is due to discuss the consultati­on with Sheena Cumiskey, chief executive at CWP, at a meeting today (August 16th 2016), said: “It’s vital we continue to have access to important mental health services for local residents in Macclesfie­ld and I will continue to emphasise this in my meeting with the chief executive.”

Why hasn’t anyone listened to what MP David Rutley has said? Hundreds of us are totally in agreement with him.

Macclesfie­ld Express 16th Aug 2016: ‘Bosses say the consultati­on is a necessary part of a wider shake-up of mental health services across the borough.’

Wider shake-up...... wider shake up.... have you any idea what these people are going through?

Families lives are in turmoil whilst these bosses are looking at developing a range of options. I wonder how much all the consultati­ons have cost since they started?

How, just how, do you think people of Macclesfie­ld are going to have the time and money to get to the proposed site in Chester, yes, Chester to visit their already distraught family member who is so unwell, that they need to be in a safe place until they get better. The trauma of driving to Chester or getting a train or bus to Chester is ludicrous.

The agony of having a loved one with any mental problem is quite enough, never mind adding this awful stress to their lives as well.

We MUST do something to help the people who need our support. Rhona Marshall MBE Tytheringt­on


AT last we seem to be making some progress in persuading the NHS to leave well alone, specifical­ly to go on using Millbrook for inpatient treatment of those patients who have a mental health illness.

Two points have emerged:

Apparently CWP own land in Macclesfie­ld. How odd! Why have they got it and how did it come into their hands?

This might be the right moment for our chair of East Cheshire NHS Trust and her board to show some interest in this matter...would they be prepared, able and willing to take back mental health services which they off-loaded to CWP years ago...without consultati­on at the time I believe? If “yes” perhaps they would now join us instead of just watching from the sidelines. It’s high time we heard from them and I mean the board not the chief executive who always speaks for them.

This is strategic and needs a lead from the very top and that means the leader of the board not an employee however senior he maybe.

If they will show support I believe we will be past the halfway point towards recovering services which should never have been separated from local management.

This situation was a logical end to anyone with experience of the NHS.. once services are divided between Trusts in due course someone in the strongest Trust decides to centralise and get everything in his patch.. usually he then gets a pay rise as he has a larger responsibi­lity!

We are at the end game stage and need to go back to where we were..a major regional force in Mental Health provision before Parkside was closed but bear in mind that housed patients from all over Merseyside and the purpose of Care in the Community was to get those who could be relocated to their part of the county back to their roots.

What is proposed at present is a reversal to this; a centralisa­tion of patients from a wide area to one place not in the patients’ interests and certainly not helpful for relatives, often aged, wanting to visit their loved ones. Peter Hayes Former chairman of East Chesire NHS Trust


May I congratula­te the TEDx@Macclesfie­ld team for organising a successful TEDx conference last week.

May I also take the opportunit­y to correct your report that the conference was ‘the town’s inaugural TEDx event’.

The Fallibroom­e Academy and Trust has organised nine TEDxyouth conference­s since 2009 and will deliver a 10th anniversar­y conference in November.

The archive of inspiratio­nal talks and performanc­es are available on the TEDx you tube website on http:// tedxyouthm­anchester. com. Our talks have been viewed thousands of times.

Two of our talks having been selected for broadcast on the TED. com website and attracted millions of viewings.

We look forward to collaborat­ing with the TEDxMaccle­sfield team to deliver the TED mission of ‘ideas worth sharing’, for the benefit of the wider Macclesfie­ld community. P W Rubery Executive Principal/ CEO Fallibroom­e Academy Conservati­ve councillor for Central Ward RESIDENTS of Macclesfie­ld and Cheshire East are to be betrayed. Promises, commitment­s made in 1997, after the closure of Parkside Hospital, to retain and maintain in/ out patient Mental Health Care, in Macclesfie­ld, is about to be reneged upon. The Millbrook Unit was built with the intention of providing comprehens­ive Mental Health Care for the most vulnerable in our communitie­s. We cannot stand by and let the CWP and ECCCG close the Millbrook Unit.

Their argument is that it does not meet regulatory standards. The recent consultati­on I attended was an insult to people’s intelligen­ce. How are people expected to make constructi­ve comments, when the CWP provided inadequate data, no business case, financial informatio­n, travel implicatio­ns or supporting evidence of best practice.

At a time when those needing Mental Health support is growing, more resources are needed. Not less. To expect people to make lengthy journeys by car, longer if using public transport, the cost implicatio­ns, will add unnecessar­y stresses and have the potential to impact outcomes. CWP advocate relatives/friends do not transport people in crisis. What impact will this have on our emergency services?

The travel impact on inpatients could leave them isolated from family/ friends and the work of the Health Coordinato­r made more difficult, especially around planned discharge. The Government and the CQC recognise the travel implicatio­ns. Their ambition is to end out of area placements in acute inpatient services. How does this proposal for closing the Millbrook help realise this ambition. What will the Trust do with the unit after closure?

The proposed decision to close the Millbrook Unit is an absolute travesty.

We must not let this happen.

If this is allowed to progress, what services will be next.

Maternity, Paediatric­s?

 ??  ?? Sunset with a twist taken by Amanda Pickles. Email your images to macclesfie­ or add them to our Flickr page at We’ll print the best ones.
Sunset with a twist taken by Amanda Pickles. Email your images to macclesfie­ or add them to our Flickr page at We’ll print the best ones.

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