Macclesfield Express

Double crown for Rose Queens


AVILLAGE will enjoy two Rose Queens and Rose Kings this year after a unusual ‘ double crowning’.

Bosley St Mary’s broke with tradition in order to allow year five children to take on the special roles, so that they can enjoy a full year of events before heading off to secondary school.

Rachel Mortishire Smith, from Bosley St Mary’s, said: “It made for a unique and extra colourful event. The children all looked so wonderful in their regalia with both Queens dazzling the crowds with their impressive and individual costumes.”

Mille Booth was the year six Rose Queen with Rhys Williams, a year five pupil, standing in as King. Hollie Brunt and Jack Worrall were crowned as year five Rose Queen and King.

Rachel added: “All of the kings and queens gave confident speeches in the warm summer sunshine, thanking fam- ily and members of the community for their help in making the day such a success. It was a great relief that the rain held off until late in the afternoon so that everyone could enjoy this traditiona­l village event. Country dancing and iSingPOP songs from the children also delighted the audience.”

She added: “Once again, members of the village, school and wider community rallied around and worked together to make this another suc- cessful Rose Queen with the fete raising almost £5,000.

“Special thanks must go to Sylvia Jenkinson and Carol Lee for coordinati­ng the organisati­on of the day.”

Mrs Delma Nulty from Higher Minn End Farm, Bosley opened the Rose Queen fete this year and presented the Queens and Kings with an engraved glass photograph frame.

PICTURES by Tim Doggett and Rachel Mortishire Smith

 ??  ?? Youngsters take part in the dancing, above left , and trumpeters Max, Robin and Leo tuning up
Youngsters take part in the dancing, above left , and trumpeters Max, Robin and Leo tuning up
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