Macclesfield Express

Her very own doorstep challenge


“My favourite course other than Prestbury is Freshwater Bay GC on the Isle of Wight which has the English Channel on one side and the Solent on the other. An extremely challengin­g course where lost balls over the cliffs really are lost!

“My favourite hole at Prestbury is the 12th as I see it every day from my kitchen window – it is one I feel confident in when I play it and can regularly get my two Stableford points.

“My own golfing highlight was getting a hole in one on the short par three at Mellor and Townscliff­e in a ladies open – it was a complete fluke as I had never played the course before. Luckily for me I got £150 from my golf insurance which paid for the drinks in the Clubhouse afterwards!

“My chosen charity is the Alzheimer’s Society as my husband’s mother was diagnosed when she was only 58 so I have experience­d at first-hand what a devastatin­g disease dementia is.

“My chosen players in a four-ball would be my dad who very sadly had a massive stroke at Northenden Golf Club in 1994. He was Captain at Northenden in 1983-84 and loved his golf and he would have been so proud of me being the Lady Captain at Prestbury. I would have loved to have had a game of golf with him I would also choose Donny Osmond – a teenage heart throb and Michelle Wie, an inspiratio­nal lady golfer who would hopefully give me some tips.”

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