Macclesfield Express

Real progress also means prevention


PAUL Duffy is the Liberal Democrats candidate for Cheshire police and crime commission­er.

The top five areas he will focus on are:

Let the police, police. This involves removing politics out of the police.

Reduce violent crime especially knife crime and violence against women and girls.

Promote prevention and restorativ­e justice initiative­s.

Tackle the epidemic of shopliftin­g in Cheshire.

Increase visibility in the streets with more PCSOs.

Under the banner of ‘Let the police, police’, Paul pledges unwavering commitment to combating crime in all its forms.

Recognisin­g the pressing issues of violent crime, particular­ly knife crime and violence against women, Paul vows to prioritise these critical areas, ensuring that our streets are safe for all residents.

Drawing on years of experience and a deep understand­ing of local dynamics, Paul will work tirelessly to implement targeted strategies to address these specific challenges head-on.

But the Liberal Democrats know true progress requires more than just reactive measures.

With a focus on prevention, Paul aims to reduce crime at its roots, investing in community initiative­s, youth programs and early interventi­on strategies.

By addressing the underlying factors that contribute to criminal behaviour, Paul is committed to creating lasting

change and building a safer, more prosperous future for Cheshire.

Central to Paul’s platform is the implementa­tion of restorativ­e justice practices, offering a compassion­ate and effective alternativ­e to traditiona­l punitive measures.

By fostering accountabi­lity, healing and reconcilia­tion, restorativ­e justice not only reduces re-offending but also strengthen­s community bonds, promoting a sense of trust and cooperatio­n between law enforcemen­t and the public.

With deep roots in the community, Paul has a wealth of experience.

Married and a parent-oftwo, Paul understand­s the importance of building a secure environmen­t for families to thrive.

Moreover, Paul’s tenure as a town councillor reflects a proven dedication to public service and a also keen understand­ing of local governance.

 ?? ?? Paul Duffy Lib Dems
Paul Duffy Lib Dems

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