Macclesfield Express

I know what we need to feel safe


WHEN Conservati­ves tell you ‘crime is falling’, don’t fall for it.

Over the last 14 years, crime up, charges down and prisons full. That’s the Conservati­ves’ record.

Home office data shows that in 2012 there were more than 57,000 recorded crimes in Cheshire. In 2023 this surpassed 86,000, up more than 50 per cent.

On top of this failure, nationally the percentage of crimes recorded that lead to someone being charged has dropped to 5.5 per cent. which meant in 2022, two million crimes went unsolved. All too often crimes are committed, and nothing is done.

I’ve lived in Cheshire all of my life and I’ve spent over a decade being a local councillor, bringing new ideas and energy to public service.

I see the challenges we face daily and I know what we need to feel safe.

Cheshire can’t afford more of the same from this Conservati­ve commission­er, with his failure to act on shopliftin­g, his outdated views and recent comments about schoolgirl­s ‘wearing short skirts.’ We deserve better than this.

I’m standing to be your police and crime commission­er so we can protect all communitie­s and make Cheshire safer.

If elected, my priorities will be:

More police, faster response - we need more police officers than ever before and PCSO numbers are continuing to fall. More officers in our communitie­s will be my top priority.

l●Prevention focussed - I’ll commission more early interventi­on services in schools and youth organisati­ons across Cheshire, preventing young and vulnerable people becoming tomorrow’s criminals.

Community-led policing plans - Cheshire is huge and our communitie­s are diverse. I’ll introduce neighbourh­ood police and crime reviews, giving each community the chance to define their policing priorities.

Learn from victims - I’ll establish a Cheshire victims of crime board, so that we learn from victims, support them, and increase trust in policing and criminal justice.

Reforming and modernisin­g - Crime has changed and too often criminals are one step ahead. By learning and collaborat­ing with other forces, whilst pioneering new technology, we will take back our streets.

 ?? ?? Dan Price Labour
Dan Price Labour

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