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Baffled yet interested in undeclared interest


Sometimes things that people write on the letters page baffle me.

Even more so perhaps than why DR Cooper continues to preach to us about the merits of Brexit.

Last week it was a vitriolic attack on Cllr

Haseler from Lin Chen.

She questioned how he could vote in favour of allowing the expansion of offices and parking at Foundation Park in Cox Green AND dare to state his opinions about another matter in Cox Green, namely the traffic flows that would result if Claires Court is allowed to expand its site.

Lin Chen suggested this amounted to ‘rank hypocrisy’. Really?

I think she should perhaps consult a dictionary before using such offensive words.

Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

So I am not sure how that quite fits in here?

Cllr Haseler showed that he has one opinion about one matter and another opinion about a completely different matter.

Instead she tried to skew the facts in the way that a politicall­y driven tabloid journalist might.

Surely no rationally thinking person can draw a parallel between saying yes to building on a brownfield site and saying no to building on grade 2 agricultur­al greenbelt land?

You wouldn’t think that to compare the extra few cars that may result from an expansion of offices (perhaps meaning more jobs locally) would be treated in the same breath as a five-fold increase in pupil numbers, would you?

One other thing strikes me about Lin Chen’s letter: she doesn’t declare if she has a personal interest in the Claires Court developmen­t.

Cllr Haseler is honest and upfront about his affiliatio­n to a worthy local project on behalf of the community.

In her letter she doesn’t admit to being a parent of a pupil at the school. Is that the case Ms Chen?

Are your views just those of an unrelated third party?

Surely that is relevant, as if she has a connection to the school, then perhaps it is actually she who purports to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

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