Maidenhead Advertiser

Don’t taint all cyclists as inconsider­ate


Chris Locke asks why we cyclists are not using cycle lanes (Advertiser, February 11).

A fair question especially since such lanes are generally signposted with a circular blue sign suggesting their use is more than just advisory.

In his response (Advertiser, February 18) club cyclist John Percy makes some valid points, to which I would add the hazard of broken glass litter.

But he then goes on to make the sweeping generalisa­tion that folks that ride bikes for utility, to get from A to B, are mostly incompeten­t whereas his lycra-clad chums are skilful and safe.

I have observed many club cyclists riding side-by-side or in wolf-packs creating dangerous obstructio­ns on busy roads.

This, to my mind at least, is poor cycling and taints all cyclists as inconsider­ate road users.

I also feel it necessary to point out to Mr Percy that the A308 cycle route that he admits to being oblivious to is clearly signposted so perhaps his observatio­n of the road is not quite as good as it should be.

Whilst they are not compulsory, the highway code instructs us cyclists to use cycle routes unless at the time it is unsafe to do so.

Therefore, despite its limitation­s, we should use the A308 cycle lane through Braywick because the road here is narrow and busy in both directions making it difficult for cars to overtake bikes safely.

Since the cycle path is shared with pedestrian­s, we simply need to ride it slowly with due care and attention and be prepared to stop and give way to pedestrian­s.

It may be difficult for racers to comprehend but it is not always a competitio­n.

We all share our roads and paths.

Be we on foot, bicycle, horseback, or in a motor vehicle, we should all just be slowing down and looking out for one another.

If the lock-down has taught us anything it is surely that.


Avondale Maidenhead

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