Manchester Evening News

Boxer suffers a big blow at fly(tip) weight

- By NEAL KEELING @nealkeelin­gmen

A PROFESSION­AL boxer has found himself on the ropes - for fly-tipping.

Ajmal Faizy is a rising star in the ring and ranked 16th in the UK after fleeing from his homeland of Afghanista­n where the Taliban killed his father.

Known as AJ, he was on the end of a technical knockout when caught on film by Salford council dumping a bag of rubbish in a back street. He had driven 24 miles from his home in Darwen to leave the rubbish in Cambridge Street, Lower Broughton.

When questioned, he claimed he dumped the rubbish when he came to Manchester for an interview because he couldn’t fit the bag into his bin at home. Faizy, now of Oban Drive, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to one offence of illegally dumping waste on Sunday, May 15, last year.

He was fined £150 with £250 costs and £30 victim surcharge at Manchester and Salford Magistrate­s. The court heard that Salford council’s CCTV team recorded Faizy driving his car into the street and dumping the bag in the afternoon.

When interviewe­d by council officers Mr Faizy said he had found three bin bags of rubbish dumped outside his house. He filled his bin with two of the bags and with five days before the next rubbish collection, put the last one in his car intending to find a ‘skip yard’ in Manchester.

He drove to Manchester for a job interview and asked people in Cheetham Hill and on Bury New Road where to dump the waste.

He failed to find the tip but saw other waste on the industrial estate so thought the rubbish was placed there to be collected, and left the bag.

In court he said that what he had done was ‘horrible and not acceptable’. Speaking after the court case Ben Dolan, strategic director for environmen­t and community safety, said: “Mr Faizy could have found the tip close to his home, or found a bin to put this bag into. There was no reason and no excuse for him to dump it in the middle of an industrial estate in Salford and waste public money cleaning it up.”

Salford’s tips can be found at Lumms Lane, Agecroft, Cobden Street, Salford and Boysnope Wharf, Liverpool Road, Irlam.

The prosecutio­n was brought as part of Operation Pandora, Salford council’s crackdown on fly-tippers which has seen 45 offenders prosecuted for 56 offences with fines, compensati­on and costs now topping £48,000.

 ??  ?? Boxer Ajmal Faizy
Boxer Ajmal Faizy
 ??  ?? Faizy dumping the rubbish, right, in Salford
Faizy dumping the rubbish, right, in Salford
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