Manchester Evening News

Shocking state of roads is a disgrace


WHILE everyone will welcome Manchester’s broken roads being repaired, how disgracefu­l that they have been allowed to fall into such a shocking and dangerous state of repair.

Councillor Angeliki Stogia’s cheery statement (‘£100m pot to fix city’s broken roads,’ M.E.N., June 14) about the council knowing how much residents value the city’s roads beggars belief. She makes it sound like the council is doing us a favour by carrying out road repairs when it’s they who are responsibl­e for the highways anyway.

Over the past few years, there have been so many craters and defects in roads that it’s become difficult to drive in a straight line. There have obviously been so many complaints and claims for vehicle damage that the council/highways department have been forced to carry out these very necessary repairs.

The definite allocation of £100m for the plan to fix damaged (i.e. neglected and unmaintain­ed) routes will hopefully mean that at least now we might be able to tell the difference between a road that has actually been repaired properly as against one that hasn’t.

It would help if repairs over banded/edges s were sealed so Tarmac didn’t break away so soon after repairs. Proper repairs to a decent standard which will last longer than the time it takes for the Tarmac lorry to leave the scene are needed, and this would also save money in the long run. Observer, Manchester

 ??  ?? Kevin Torkington in Sale snapped this close-up of a thirsty snail on watering can. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at, marking them Picture of the Day
Kevin Torkington in Sale snapped this close-up of a thirsty snail on watering can. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at, marking them Picture of the Day

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