Manchester Evening News

Give city gardens... not more concrete

I READ with interest your article about six new skyscraper­s being built in Manchester, along with other lofty developmen­ts

- (M.E.N.

Like most of my fellow Mancunians I am delighted to see our city prosper and engage in projects that will create jobs and boost the local economy.

However, I cannot help feel a bit sad that the city feels the need to create a concrete jungle and not invest time and money into creating green areas for the public.

It seems that every bit of derelict land is being turned into high-rise luxury (none affordable to the masses) apartments or hotel and/or bar complexes.

How many more bars and hotels do we need in Manchester?

What Manchester is lacking compared to similar-sized cities around the world is more open, green spaces. Parks and gardens are a rarity in Manchester, and you can’t count the joke that is Piccadilly Gardens as one.

There are very few places where you can just sit and relax, take time out from work during a lunch break, or just escape the busy city lifestyle.

An example is the area of land near Canal Street on the corner of Princess Road and Whitworth Street. For several years now a barely-started constructi­on project has blighted the area. What would have been created would have been a carbuncle and looked out of place with the surroundin­g red brick buildings. That plot of land would be a perfect location for a park of garden.

I appreciate that gardens are expensive to maintain and can attract anti-social behaviour – especially in the evenings and weekends – but the benefit to the mental health of the citizens of Manchester would be priceless.

So I ask those in charge of developing the city who want to build tall building after tall building. Do we really need a Manc-hattan? Martin Molloy, Salford

 ??  ?? This colourful photo of a butterfly on flowers is by Ann Riley of Stockport. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at, marking them Picture of the Day
This colourful photo of a butterfly on flowers is by Ann Riley of Stockport. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at, marking them Picture of the Day

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