Manchester Evening News

Flash floods cause chaos on roads


DEAR Manchester, I will trade your ‘flash floods’ any day. Love, Florida (you know, where all you lot go on holiday). Chacha Latte

COMPARED to Florida, Cuba etc we shouldn’t moan. Wendy Rogerson

GET out your welly bobs and umbrellas guys. Worst comes to worst grab a canoe we will get through this. At least we’ve all got houses to go to to escape the weather. Katie Clegg

IT’S not been that bad, blimey.

Ironically though all that water you see on the streets gets washed into drains which empty into the river which then cause flooding for houses on flood plains. David James Bendle

TOOK me three hours to get in to work yesterday. Ian Stranack

IT’S a bit rain water us Brits are used to wet weather it’s when it’s snows peeps can’t hope. Jackie Goodwin-Field

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