Manchester Evening News

Man arrested over ‘kidnap attempts’


A MAN has been arrested after two attempted kidnapping­s in Rochdale.

In the most recent incident a white Renault van pulled up alongside the Metrolink stop at Rochdale Railway Station and a man got out, opened the door and shouted ‘get in’ to a group of teenagers.

The boys and girls refused and he drove off towards the town centre.

The incident took place at about 8.30pm on Sunday, October 8.

Six days earlier, a man in a ski hat tried to ‘bundle’ a girl into a van in Milnrow.

The youngster was told to get in the man’s white van. She refused before running away.

Officers say the girl was approached on Crossgates Road in Milnrow at around 4.30pm on Monday, October 2.

Oulder Hill School later emailed parents asking them to warn children to be vigilant.

A 23-year-old man has now been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping in connection with the incidents, and has been released under investigat­ion.

Det Sgt Karen Siddall said: “The fact that a man has tried to lure young children into his van is understand­ably concerning, and something that we are taking very seriously.

“We are appealing for the public’s help in gathering all the informatio­n we need to understand how these two attempted kidnapping­s happened.”

You can contact police on 101, quoting incident number 1684 of 02/10/17, or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

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