Manchester Evening News

It’s like part of your soul is missing...

- @chrisslate­rMEN

THE family of a ‘beautiful’ young boy killed in a gate horror have spoken of their devastatin­g loss.

Angelo Quirino, four, died when a heavy metal gate collapsed on him during a family holiday near Rome.

His Italian parents moved to Crumpsall two years ago to raise their family and start a new life in Britain.

Angelo, his mum, brother and sister had been visiting relatives this summer when the accident happened on August 19.

Speaking for the first time about Angelo’s death, his devastated parents have told the M.E.N. about how they are haunted by his loss every day – but have found some comfort in the wave of support they received from across Manchester.

Angelo had been with his mum Roberta Host, brother Diego, eight, and eight-month-old sister Linda on a twoweek break in the coastal city of Anzio.

Angelo’s dad Adamo, who works as a croupier at the Grosvenor Casino on Bury New Road, had remained in Manchester to work and was due to join them on the trip a week later.

Fighting back tears, Adamo, also known to pals as Amedeo, hailed his ‘beautiful son’ and said: “He was just so full of life and always so present. Everything we did, he did it with us. If we went to Tesco at 10pm to buy some milk, he would come with me. “And he was always happy and smiling. He was top of the class at nursery and he was so excited to start at the same school as Diego. He used to love coming to pick him up with me. He loved it here. But he would have been happy on the North Pole as long as we were with him.” Angelo attended Abraham Moss nursery and had been due to start in reception at nearby St Anne’s Primary School in September. He had been with mum, siblings and grandmothe­r and uncle in the family’s home city, some 30 miles south of Rome, where the couple had lived before moving to the UK in 2015. Amedeo said the electric gate was 6ft high and weighed as much as 400kg (63 stone), meaning Angelo stood little chance once it collapsed. Emergency services rushed to the scene but the youngster could not be saved. Both a criminal investigat­ion and civil proceeding­s are now underway in Italy, including the gate being examined by experts to find out how it fell. But the family have been warned it could be up to five years before these come to any kind of resolution. Amedeo said the emotion and psychologi­cal scars of what happened are still very raw for the whole family. “I don’t think this feeling will ever go away. It’s like a part of your soul is missing,” he said. Adamo Quirino on son Angelo

 ??  ?? Angelo, left, and with his mum, brother and sister flying out to Italy Mum Roberta and dad Adamo with children Linda and Diego
Angelo, left, and with his mum, brother and sister flying out to Italy Mum Roberta and dad Adamo with children Linda and Diego

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