Manchester Evening News

Violent thug puts partner in hospital

- By JOHNNY GREANEY johnny.greaney@trinitymir­

THESE are the horrific injuries inflicted on a woman by her violent former partner that left her feeling ‘like a monster.’

The victim needed hospital treatment for laceration­s, bruises and swelling after she was battered by drunken Joshua Rossbottom, a court heard.

The thug hurled a vase at her face and shoved her into a wall in the early hours of the morning after a drinking session in July this year.

When police began to investigat­e, Rossbottom threatened her over the phone and said: “I’m coming for you.”

The M.E.N. is not naming the victim, but is using the image with her permission.

Rossbottom, 30, of Great Western Street, Moss Side, has now been locked up after he admitted one charge of assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm and another of intimidati­ng a witness.

He was jailed for nine months.

The court heard the couple met in March 2016 on a dating website and started living together at the victim’s home three months later.

Andrew Mackintosh, prosecutin­g, said: “Until the incident he had never used physical violence against her.”

On July 25 this year, they celebrated the defendant’s birthday drinking with friends in Manchester city centre then went home with them. The court was told she went upstairs to bed around 11pm while Rossbottom and others continued the party. Mr Mackintosh told the court he attacked her at around 3am. “He pushed her backwards and she hit her head against a wall”, Mr Mackintosh said. “He then picked up a vase and threw it at her, striking her above the right eyebrow.” The victim retreated to the bedroom and shut the door. Police were called the next morning through an anonymous source, the court heard. When Rossbottom was arrested and interviewe­d by the police, he denied the offences and was released on bail. Rossbottom denied the assault at an earlier magistrate­s court hearing, but changed his plea to guilty when the case went to trial at crown court. In a victim impact statement, the complainan­t said she had lost her job as a result of the injuries. Mr Mackintosh added: “She said she felt like a monster, wouldn’t leave her house and she felt stupid.” In mitigation, Andrew Smith said Rossbottom was ‘disgusted’ with his actions, adding: “The defendant is dealing with a long and deep-seated addiction to alcohol. He has in the past been able to curb his drinking and lead a life away from criminalit­y.” Andrew Mackintosh, prosecutin­g

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The terrible injuries sustained by the victim of Joshua Rossbottom, below

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