Manchester Evening News

Police probe ‘intimidati­on’ in Alfie demo at hosptial


POLICE are investigat­ing ‘acts of intimidati­on’ among hospital protesters for Alfie Evans after his parents lost a new legal battle.

Hundreds of supporters gathered outside Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, in Liverpool, where the 23-month-old boy is on life support.

Merseyside Police asked protesters to respect families and staff after ‘instances of verbal abuse and acts of intimidati­on’.

Chief Inspector Chris Gibson said officers ‘recognise the sensitivit­ies involved in this very difficult and sad situation’.

“Whilst many people have gathered to protest in a peaceful way, Merseyside Police is now investigat­ing a small number of reports, some of which originate from social media, as well as instances of verbal abuse and acts of intimidati­on from those outside the hospital,” he added.

“This is extremely unhelpful for all concerned and we are investigat­ing further to establish the full circumstan­ces.

“We would like to remind the public that this is a hospital for sick children and it should not be forgotten that many families are going through extremely challengin­g and emotional times.” He urged any victims of “intimidati­on or harassment” to report it to the police or hospital.

Alfie’s parents, Tom Evans, 21, and Kate James, 20, want to move their son to a hospital in Rome for treatment.

Supreme Court justices might be asked to consider the case for a second time after the couple, who live in Liverpool, used a piece of ancient English common law in their legal battle. A High Court judge and three Court of Appeal judges have dismissed their claim.

Mr Evans emerged from the hospital two hours after the decision was given by the court in London. He said: “They can’t break us, we are never going to back down. Alfie, the family and all of our supporters are stronger than ever and we will keep fighting all the way.”

 ??  ?? A protestor outside the hospital
A protestor outside the hospital

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