Manchester Evening News

You were my special delivery 41 years ago...

- By BETH ABBIT @BethAbbitM­EN

COMMUNITY midwife Barbara Pilling has delivered countless babies throughout her career – but was surprised to discover she had even delivered a colleague.

Now, 41 years later, Barbara and Ann Fairclough work together as midwives at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, in Wigan.

But the two women had no idea of their important connection until Ann saw their names together on the 1977 register of deliveries.

“I’ve delivered the babies of some of the midwives I’ve worked with but it was surprising to find out I’d delivered one of the midwives,” says Barbara, who estimates that she has helped thousands of women through labour during her 44-year career.

Ann, from Standish, was looking through the hospital’s 1977 register of deliveries when she spotted Barbara’s name.

“I knew then that my mum would have been in good hands,” she says.

“I have been a midwife for 20 years and have spent my career working for Wrightingt­on, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust (WWL). Throughout those 20 years I have worked with many fantastic midwives – Barbara is one of those.”

It turns out that Barbara delivered Ann while she was working at Billinge hospital in 1977.

Ann, from Standish, adds: “I first worked with Barbara when I worked for one of the community teams based in Leigh. It was my first ever time working in the community as a qualified midwife and Barbara was always there to give advice and support, which I will remember forever.

“It was only when I moved to work on the delivery suite at Billinge Hospital that I realised Barbara had helped my mum deliver me.”

The pair, along with the rest of the midwifery and maternity team at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, celebrated Internatio­nal Day of the Midwife to highlight the important role midwives play in the health of mothers, children and families.

As the longest serving midwife in WWL, mum-of-two Barbara says she has always loved her job.

“I started with the Trust in 1967 as a student nurse, qualified in 1971 after having two children, and in 1972 I started back as general nurse,” she explains.

“I then earned my midwifery qualificat­ion in 1974 and have worked for the trust ever since, first as a hospital midwife and now as a community midwife.

“I just love my job, every part of what I’ve done, wherever I worked, I’ve enjoyed working there.

“The best thing about being a midwife is having the joy of seeing a new life come in to the world and seeing their parents being so happy.

“The job has changed quite a bit but I would encourage and help anybody who wanted to take up midwifery, it’s a brilliant job.”

As part of the Internatio­nal Day of the Midwife celebratio­ns, midwives and maternity staff at WWL held a tea party on the ward.

They also provided babies with a certificat­e to celebrate being born on May 5.

 ??  ?? Barbara Pilling with fellow midwife Ann Fairclough, who she helped to deliver back in 1977
Barbara Pilling with fellow midwife Ann Fairclough, who she helped to deliver back in 1977

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